A song from space

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting in a while besides the reblogs of the Gaming Goddess podcasts I have been co-hosting with Jess (@Allahweh on twitter and +Jessica Brown on Google+) for Allahweh’s Domain. In truth I’ve been busy, and not always in the fun way. Some at home problems lately, but on the fun side I have also been playing the newly released Dead Space 3 lately, but I will talk more about that in a later post which I may write after I have finished the main story (still in progress as of this writing) so I can give a review of sorts as well.

As for now though, I bring you something really amazing. You all know I love space, but thankfully for my life, I am not the only one. Nobody probably loves space or the things we do there than those who are actually in space right now. This includes such amazing people as Commander Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield and +Chris Hadfield) who is the current commander of the crew on the International Space Station orbiting Earth. Why is he awesome, besides the fact that he is in space that is? Well if you follow his twitter or google+ feeds you know he loves to share pictures he takes, the man is a real shutterbug. His pictures are special though because he takes them from the station looking at Earth, offering rarely seen views of hour world that only people in his position could ever see otherwise.

Just today though I was perusing the Bad Astronomy Blog by astronomer Phil Plait (@BadAstronomer and +Philip Plait) and saw a video he posted of a song written by Chris Hadfield and Ed Robertson of The Barenaked Ladies (whom you may know as the writers of the theme for The Big Bang Theory on CBS) and performed by them with help from the Wexford Gleeks. The song is called ISS (Is Somebody Singing) and is about going into space and looking back at home, and is just amazing. It talks about space travel in a way that shows how amazing it is that we can do the stuff we are doing in space, and I love things like that because it helps people understand the way I feel about stuff like this. Sure we don’t have the starships of Star Trek and we have never been farther than the moon (not accounting for our outstanding robotic brethren) but when you really take score, what we have done is just astounding! While it is certainly plausible that we could have done more by now if NASA or others had been given a better chance right after the moon landings, you still cannot discount how much we have accomplished in the last 60 years or how much it has impacted our society today.

Enough of my rambling though, you got to listen to the song. I have embedded a version from youtube below since I am too much of a novice to figure out how to embed from the site it actually came from (here if you are curious)

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